Dactyloceras nebulosum BROSCH, NAUMANN, & MEISTER, 2002 (2001)
Brosch, Ulrich, Stefan Naumann, & Frank Meister (2002 [January 21]): Some notes on the African genus Dactyloceras (Lepidoptera: Brahmaeidae). galathea. Berichte des Kreises Nürnberger Entomologen eV (Nürnberg); Band 17, Heft 4, 2001: pp. 189197; 4 figs. phot.col. |
Dactyloceras nebulosa [recte nebulosum*] BROSCH, NAUMANN, & MEISTER new species * Naumann, Stefan, Ulrich Brosch, & Wolfgang A. Nässig
(2005): Entomologische Notiz. Nomenklatorische Anmerkungen zur Bildung
von Namen der Artgruppe innerhalb der Gattung Dactyloceras MELL,
1927 (Lepidoptera: Brahmaeidae). Nachrichten des entomologischen Vereins
Apollo (Neue Folge) (Frankfurt am Main); Jahrgang 26, Heft 1/2, August
2005: p. 30.
Holotype male: Cameroon, Yaóunde environment, June 1997, local people leg., traders material; genitalia prep. no. CBH-0167; the type will be donated to the Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The type-specimen is figured in colour: fig. 1 <dorsal view>, fig. 2 <ventral view>. Length of left forewing 86.5 mm, length of left antenna 17 mm; dorsal and ventral ground colour grayish ochreous brown with black and white markings similiar to D. lucina, but without any wavy lines both in dorsal and ventral view. D. lucina always clearly shows the wavy lines in dorsal and ventral view, and even if some specimens exhibit them somewhat reduced in parts of the wing, no complete or major reduction was found. In D. nebulosa [recte nebulosum] the marginal part of the wing shows a bright light grayish brown area, getting gradually darker on the lower part of the forewing and on the hindwing; the central white marking is not bordered by a small dark line combined with a brighter zone of whitish ground colouring as in D. lucina. The male genitalia of D. nebulosa [recte nebulosum] is quite similar to those of D. lucina. Typical is a deeply bifid uncus with a lot of bristles, the transtilla is enlarged to a prominent lobe which is bifid dorsally. The sacculus of the valva is prominent, the internal ventral process has two small spines on its top, the dorsal lobe again with a lot of bristles. The aedeagus is long, tall, with the vesica emerging dorsally which has a small sclerotization medially. For comparision genitalic dissections from different localities were made of D. lucina (CBH-0166, CBH-0168, CBH-0169, CBH-0175, CBH-0194) and D. bramarbas (CBH-0174). Small differences to D. lucina are the less deep furcation of the uncus and the slightly more slender dorsal parts of the valva in this species. Due to the genitalia morphology D. nebulosa [recte nebulosum] most likely may be closely related to D. lucina. D. bramarbas has some totally different characters in male genitalia, such as the two longer processi of the uncus, the small transtilla with two lateral dentated processi, only one spine on the internal ventral process of the valva, a shorter aedeagus, and the generally smaller size. D. nebulosa [recte nebulosum] n. sp. only is known from a male singleton; the female remains unknown. For comparison we have examined more than 340 specimens of the highly variable D. lucina from different localities in Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Central African Republic kept in colls. U. Brosch, Hille; Ph. Darge, Clénay; F. Meister, Prenzlau; W.A. Nässig in Senckenberg-Museum, Frankfurt am Main; S. Naumann, Berlin; & Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin. After examination of most of the type-material and basic specimens for infrasubspecific names within the last years (done by U. Brosch & S. Naumann) we came to the result that D. nebulosa [recte nebulosum] is a distinct species, and far ahead of being only a morph or aberration of D. lucina. The newly described species was received within the same lot of two specimens of D. bramarbas with the same collecting data , no syntope flying specimens of D. lucina are known. We suppose that biotopes of the latter one generally are at lower elevations whereas D. nebulosa [recte nebulosum] comes from higher altitudes. After present knowledge D. bramarbas is a mountain species. Etymology: the new species is named for its vapid phenotype; nebulosa
[recte nebulosum] is based on the Latin term nebulosus = foggy
or misty.
Ulrich & Anita Brosch
Mühlenstraße 22 32479 Hille (Deutschland / Germany) |
Dr. Stefan Naumann
Hochkirchstraße 11 10829 Berlin (Deutschland / Germany) |
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